EUROMEDITERRANEA 2017 Migration Policies in the Euromediterranean space
Migration Policies in the Euromediterranean space
29 – 30 June 1 July 2017 – Bolzano
Since the Alexander Langer prize was awarded to Borderline Sicily in 2014, the national and international situation has drastically changed, with great repercussions on immigration policies and practices. The international context is increasingly defined by strong instability and by the emergence of nationalisms, conversely national and local organisations are confronted by the complexity of a refugee-management system, that struggles to provide answers, that are adequate and respect human rights. In parallel, these same organisations try to promote strategies to prevent and manage the frequent conflicts that are ravaging the countries refugees are fleeing. After the 2015 refugee crisis, that led to the opening of the so-called Balkan Route, a series of measures that followed the bilateral agreements between Europe and Turkey, and various African countries, resulted in the closure of internal frontiers and a reinforcement of outside borders. This situation pushed refugees to settle for a long time in various countries, among which, in a certain measure, Italy.
Migration became a central aspect of the European Union political agenda and of its relationship with other Mediterranean and African countries. Recently, the tendency is to address first the aspects linked to security rather than the ones regarding the refugees and the asylum seekers. The attempts to normalise the influx of refugees through agreements with Sub-Saharan countries rise a lot of questions about their efficiency and their respect of human rights. This situation highlights the importance and the necessity for a debate between the civil society and politics about migration policies at a national and international level.
Locally, in South Tyrol, in the past years, a network comprising associations, private citizens, volunteers, and activists, was formed to deal with the management of asylum seekers and, to a greater extent, with migration as a “place” to develop and experiment new forms of social practices, based on the concepts of solidarity, people's involvement and community development. According to these principles, the Alexander Langer Foundation, has worked favouring the strengthening of ties between the organisations that met in 2014, providing meaningful exchanges and reciprocal support to each local experience. This network favoured the exchange and the knowledge of welcoming practices that valued the presence of institutions, municipalities, volunteer organisations, single citizens, and the refugees themselves, willing to actively contribute. Furthermore, during the past year, in South Tyrol there was an accrued interest in the SPRAR system, whose strengths lie on networking among the various social actors, that are indeed considered in the welcoming and social inclusion process that follows the asylum request.
To “go farther” when it comes to refugee welcoming, this edition of Euromediterranea will focus around two different axis: first, the direct action by NGOs and associations directly involved with rescue work, help, support, first reception, and protection, and, second, the reflection and analysis on migration policies and their effect on country of origin, of transit and of arrival. Euromediterranea will open on the 29th of June with the presentation of the SOS Méditerranée project, that with its ship Aquarius, since 2015 conducts rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, the 29th and 30th of June will be dedicated to three seminars about the importance of training for subjects that, on various levels, deal with migration phenomena: police, volunteers and citizens. The 30th of June the 2017 Alexander Langer Prize will be awarded, this year as a shared honour between Agalià, an organisation that operates in Lesbo and that defends the rights and the well being of the island's inhabitants and of the migrants that reach its shores, and Associazione di Studi Giuridici sull'Immigrazione (Organisation for Juridical Studies about Immigration), that backs up the work of defence and protection of fundamental rights with a deeper reflection on national and European law.
The 1st of July, the complex theme of origin and transit countries will be discussed, paying close attention to Western Africa and Middle East, and to the policies on migration-route management. What are the policies that in the origin country push people to leave and what are the ones that offer alternatives promoting growth, political stability and the respect of fundamental rights? How national and international policies on migration control intersect the ones of South Tyrol and influence the management of the Brennero border?
This are just a few of the questions that will be discussed during these days, hoping to provide a useful occasion for discussion and an exchange of experiences to the bigger local, national and international network that is working closely with us and that represent the true added value of these meetings.
From the 23rd to the 28th of June initiatives to introduce Euromediterranea will take place in Bolzano and other cities: Trento, Bressanone, Merano and Bolzano with film screening, art performances, concerts on the topic of migrations.
Seminars will focus on the topic of training experiences and needs for those working in the field of migration. The seminars are open to all the participants of Euromediterranea who will sign up and will also be an opportunity to strengthen and widen the network born after Euromediterranea 2014 which involves associations all over Italy and beyond.
Thursday 29 June, 14.30 – 17.00
Preparation to the Territorial Commission
Recent reforms made crucial the preparation of the meeting between the migrant and the Territorial Commission in charge of express positively or negatively on the asylum request.
Main speakers: Gianfranco Schiavone (ASGI), Irene Serangeli (Centro Astalli Trento)
Friday 30 June, 10.00 – 12.30
Police and nonviolence
the seminar will deal with the importance of training possibilities for Police forces related to discrimination prevention, conflict de-escalation, nonviolent action and communication.
Main speakers: Udo Enwereuzor (Cospe), Mao Valpiana (Movimento Nonviolento – Vr)
Friday 30 June, 14.00 – 16.30
The „crime of solidarity“
Solidarity is crucial for social coesion. The seminar will focus on how solidarity can be practiced today, what is the role of institutions in this respect, and the role of the so called „crimes of solidarity“.
Main speakers: Anna Brambilla (ASGI), Francesco Palermo (Senatore)
Organizations invited:
ASGI, Borderline Italia ed Europa, Giunchiglia 11 e Anni in fuga Nonantola, Movimento Nonviolento e per il servizio civile, Il mondo nella città di Santorso; Cospe Firenze, Girasoli di Mazzarino, Riviste Una Città e gli Asini, Antenne Migranti, Coopertiva Savera, Centro Astalli di Trento, Mantova solidale, Carta di Roma, Progetto Unitedbz (UniBZ), representatives of local associations and institutions that work on migration.
To participate:
Thursday 29.06 - 16.00 – 18.00
by Kolar Aparna and Beatrice Catanzaro – A project by Lungomare
At the park in front of the Bolzano train station.
An audioguuide on borders and hospitality that will make you discover the urban space of Bolzano with other eyes. You can borrow the guide for free and the walk takes about 20 minutes. The guide is available in Italian, English and German.
Thursday 29 June, 18.00 – 20.00
Presentation of SOS Méditerranée, with its ship Aquarius, born in 2015 to rescue migrants at sea.
Klaus Vogl, Captain of the ship Aquarius
Valeria Calandra, president of SOS Méditerranée Italia
Chair: Giorgio Menchini, president of the NGO COSPE
Friday 30 June, 17.00 – 20.00
The International Alexander Langer Award 2017 has beed assigned ex aequo to:
Associazion Studi Giuridici sull'immigrazione (ASGI)
Associazion Angalià, Lesbo
Georgios Tyrikos-Ergas, Aikaterini Efstathìou-Selacha, Angalià
Gianfranco Schiavone, ASGI
In dialogue with:
Valeria Giannotta, president CIPMO, Milan
Efi Latsoudi, association PIKPA, Lesbo (Greece)
Efi Latsoudi is a Greek activist who founded PIKPA, a camp managed by volunteers where women, men and children refugees are welcomed and taken care of. In 2016 she received the Nanses UNHCR award for her humanitarian engagement. PIKPA is an ex camping where, since 2012, more than 30.000 people were helped by volunteers to access medical and legal support, education, food and clothes. PIKPA is a crucial element in the network of associations adn activists working with refugees in Lesbo, like Lesvos Solidarity and Angalià.
Saturday 1 July
Input 1) The situation in the countries of origin.
Invited speakers:
Anna Maria Gentili, Professor of the University of Bologna, Centro Cabral for African Studies
Pietro Marcenaro, Centro Piemontese for African Studies
Asli Selin Okyay, European University Institute, Florence
Mamadou Gaye, President of the Cooperative Savera/Porte Aperte, Bolzano
Input 2) Migration policies and agreements with countries of origin and transit
Invited speakers:
Dr. Luigi Maria Vignali, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Fausto Stocco, Director of the SPRAR system of the Municipality of Modena
Federico Faloppa, linguist, University of Reading
Udo Enwereuzor, NGO Cospe Firenze
14.00 – 17.00
WORKSHOP on the topics of the morning
18.00 – 20.00
ROUND TABLE – Recommendations on migration policies to improve integration and respect of human rights.
Invited speakers:
Luigi Manconi, Senator of the Italian Republic – President of the Human Rights Commission, NGO “A buon Diritto”
Efrem Tresoldi, Director of the Magazine Nigrizia
Franco Balzi, Major of Santorso (Vi)
Marijana Grandits, Academic Coordinator of the Master of Arts in Human Rights, Uni Vienna
Harald Glöde, Borderline Europe, Berlin
Performance of Black Afrique Fluxus + Cardew Ensemble.
Jam session at the park in front of the Bolzano train station
With the support of:
Provincia di Bolzano - Uffici Affari di Gabinetto e Cultura, Comune di Bolzano, Regione Trentino - Alto Adige Südtirol, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano