DAN BAR-ON was born in 1938 in Haifa. He was a member of Kibbutz Revivim for 25 years where he served as a farmer, educator and Secretary of the Kibbutz.
After completing his M.A. in psychology in...
Dan Bar-On: Biographical notes
31.8.2006, Prime
Articles: Dan Bar On
26.7.2006, http://www.bgu.ac.il/~danbaron/
The paper demonstrates how the method of storytelling can be used to work through intractable conflicts in inter-group activities. The original Freudian concept of working through was widened to apply...
Dan Bar-On: “The vicious circle of rightfulness, power, and loss of compassion”
15.7.2006, Dan Bar-On
In the film “Paradise Now” one of the Palestinian potential suicide bombers tells his girl friend: “The Israelis took ownership on both the rightfulness of being victims and on the total powerfulness....