International Award International Award Award 1999 China

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Film: The Gate of Heavenly Peace (1995)

26.3.2008, The New York Times

Read the New York Times Review »,,By Stephen Holden Director: Carma Hinton Cast: Deborah Amos, Carma Hinton, Wuer Kaixi, Wang Da Review Summary: This three-hour long documentary attempts to shed light on the violent confrontation between student protesters and the Chinese government at Tianamen Square in June, 1989. Filmmakers Richard Gordon and Carma Hinton first look into the Square's illustrious history, explaining how it became an important symbolic place for demonstrations of dissent. The documentary also gives a detailed account of the actual 1989 rebellion using archival footage, narration and interviews with those involved. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

Full New York Times Review »  Movie Details

Title: The Gate of Heavenly Peace
Running Time: 190 Minutes
Status: Released
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary

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