Euromediterranea Euromediterranea euromediterranea 2006

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Program Euromediterranea 2006: 25.09 - 01.10

Jul 26, 2006, Foundation - Fondazione - Stiftung

Euromediterranea 2006

ANAK-ANAK (children, Kinder, bambino/a, niña/o, djecak/djevojcica)

Euromediterranea 2006 is completely dedicated to the work of IBU ROBIN LIM, who will be given the International Alexander Langer Prize 2006. Known also as ‘barefoot midwife’ or ‘Redrobin’, she is especially committed to promoting peace by protecting the next generation of children – beginning with pregnancy (first protect the mother and family), gentle birth and breastfeeding. She believes that we must strive to give all coming humans the chance to begin life as peacefully as possible, and in Indonesia she endeavors to do this for the poorest, most marginalized and vulnerable people.
Ibu Robin Lim, 49, lives in Bali, but in the aftermath of the Tsunami tragedy (December 2004) she has moved to Aceh. The latter is a region which has been shattered by deep political, religious and natural conflicts. The health centre Bumi Sehat (Mother Earth), established and run by Ibu Robin, not only provides medical care treatments for local people but also enhances social inclusion activities. Furthermore, it intends to revitalise the surrounding environment while promoting interpersonal relationships.
Ibu Robin’s activities are strictly related to other significant cross-cultural dynamics: the role of women, the lasting impact of violence, and the long process of reconstructing a collective/individual memory. In this perspective, it is ideally connected to Irfanka’s work in Tuzla/Srebrenica, to the campaign of the Mothers de la Plaza de Mayo in Argentina, and to the impact on the future generations of the Chernobyl disaster. These may all be seen as important contributions for challenging the culture of violence.

24. September - 29. October, at 9 pm, via Roen 6

Film festival in partnership with Cineforum: “The burden of Memory between the past and the future”

24.09, Souvenir Srebrenica, R. Biagiarelli e L.Rosini will be attending the show
28.09, Grabvica, by J. Zbanic
1st. 10, La vita segreta delle parole, by I. Coixet
8.10, Garage Olimpo, by M. Bechis
15.10, Hijos, by M. Bechis
22/10, Tragedi Jakarta 1998, by G. Mahasiswa
29/10, War Photographer, by C. Frei

Monday, September 25th: Aula Magna, E.Torricelli, Via Rovigo, 42

8.30 pm, Opening of Euromediterranea with the theatre play: “Reportage Chernobyl. L’atomo e la vanga. La scienza e la terra” by Roberta Biagiarelli.

Tuesday, September 26th: Biblioteca delle Donne, Piazza Parrocchia, 15

6.30 pm, Public presentation of Nietta Saltuari Dondio’ book of poems, edited by Cinzia Butelli “Su Sirio i bambini non piangono”, Travenbook Publishing House

Friday, September 29th: Sala di rappresentanza del Comune, vicolo Gumer

5.00 pm, International Alexander Langer Prize ceremony 2006 with Ibu Robin Lim. Laudatio by Irfanka Pasagic.

6.00 pm - 1st Panel: Ibu Robin's “Indonesia”
Ilaria Maria Sala (journalist, author of “Il Dio dell’Asia”)
Marina Forti (jounralist for Il Manifesto, author of “La signora di Narmada”
Emanuele Giordana (“Lettera 22”agency president)

Saturday, September 30th:

- 10.00 am, Sala conferenze Vecchio Municipio
Alexander Langer Foundation annual Assembly, “Quo vadis, fondazione?”

5 pm, Sala di Rappresentanza del Comune
Theatre show “Nati in casa” by Giuliana Musso

6.30 pm, 2nd Panel: “Coming to Earth” by Ibu Robin
Cristina Realini, president of the association “Il Melograno”
Barbara Grandi, gynecologist from Poggibonsi
(Some local medical workers)

Sunday, October 1st: Sala di Rappresentanza del Comune

- 10. pm, 3rd Panel: “The children of memory”, comparing different experiences:
from Aceh-Indonesia (Ibu Robin)
from Srebrenica - Bosnia Erzegovina (Irfanka Pasagic)
from Argentina, (Norma Berti, Torino)
from Torino, Anna Bravo (historian)

A Buffet will follow

Tuesday, October 3rd: Sala dell’ Univesità, Piazza Sernesi
6 pm, “Re-Generation”. Panel with Valentino Braitenberg author of“La Vergine e i Filosofi”, Travenbooks Publishing House, and the young writers of “UN Erhort Visionen des Junges Sudtirol/ Pre Visioni del giovane Sudtirolo”, Raetia Publishing House

In the meanwhile, from the 27.9 to the 4.10.2006: International Youth Gathering topics related to the “Adopt Srebrenica”project and “Euromediterranea 2006”.

pro dialog